Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Video games do not have to be casual to teach

Not to say that you should stick a child or young adult in front of a TV or computer and have them play games, but to simply drop the idea that video games can ONLY detriment oneself. Video games are usually associated with couch potatoes or diversity of the sorts in terms of just playing the game. A video game primarily, yes, should entertain the player but entertainment and education are not two forces of which you cannot forge a cohesive whole out of. While undoubtedly there are many games that just serve as entertainment or time killers, there are others that can fulfill both purposes rather than one extreme or the other. There are some subjects conveyed more than others with strong representation, although I am sure that each subject gets a chance I will present my findings of the strongest to most commonly represented.

Whether it be past, present, future, fact or fiction, this is from what I have seen the strongest of conveyed subjects presented in gaming. A pseudo tug-of-war between first-person shooters and real-time strategies have insured such information. Games such as the Medal of Honor and Call of Duty series's, others like Total war series give us large introspect into the past from recent to ancient. With the former, you receive detail on the weapons, which side used them, historical background to combat zones, historical briefing on operations, important figures in the charge and much more. The latter grants your visible geography, historical background, army information, historical units, background on the military units, in-depth description of buildings and their purposes and much more. It's a less direct method of teaching such a subject but it does the job, and encourages to the player to find more on the subject if it is enjoyed.

The following one I noticed portrays potentials, but is applicable to known boundaries as well. Often in the realm of the science-fiction games, there are many a game that pushes science and math further or in a similar realm of sorts comprising of material that one knows of in our time as well. The games here do not do so much as the lore of which is built for them. Online forums around the internet especially grasp the large amounts of information often put in such universes. Say for example, a "Starcraft vs Halo" thread under debate may see numerous references to material, in and out of universe, and the details of it's purpose and construct, as well as mathematical calculations relating to the ability of an army via simulation, population demographics, travel times via technology, and the power of weapons. Given the often nature of Sci-fi, these calculations often are long and yield vast numbers, albeit even through the simplest of methods.

I'll be the first to say that I don't have a particular liking of the elements of literature, but I do enjoy using them. As time has progressed, many a game has wielded stories or plots, that can confuse many a person, and use little systems of dialogue with varying effects dependent on the game itself. The most evident genres that employ such a deep literal translation is often the horror and fantasy genres. The horror genre usually employs a more silent, and strong type of writing, often bringing in many a visual effect to rather distort one into following paths in the story that perhaps may not even be there. The Fantasy genre varies in the ability, but exceptions do come out strong, often changing the story itself through dialogue and sticking in occasional literal terms(that once again I do not enjoy searching for much, but utilizing). This is not my best attempt to show the literary elements in games, but I was never much of an English person.

ARTS(Music Included):
By far the most visually appealing grab for some is a game art style. The cell-shaded style often giving a comic appearance is a noticeable one. Others such as the watercolor-esque "Okami" do not happen frequently but often make for a unique look at perception into the different styles of representing figures or stories. Less common but still visually spender and employed is the Gothic style artworks often seen in areas such as Warhammer 40,000 or the Disciples series's which border realism without intent on sacrificing the heart and soul of the hand of the artist. The soundtracks that one usually sports, gives rise to many a  musical ear as well. The soundtracks very much so work in conjunction with the affirmed art style and story, giving rise to atmosphere and feeling, which fields importance in designing products and the realm of design in general. Almost any genre finds it's way into a design factor.

I reiterate once again that I am not the greatest speaker when it comes to these issues, but I do my best. Also, once again, I do not believe that you should just cave in to your child's demand, if you are a parent, for video games simply because of possibility. I do believe that one should monitor their child, and if interest is lacking in the educative field, to try and spice things up and get them to WANT to learn.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why I disdained Popularity through School

It is often striven, mostly by the younger crowd to be a known figure, be important and to follow other's examples. Being "Cool" or "Hip" so to speak so that one would receive innumerable benefits in the league of a social status. I learned early on in my life that although being cool was nice, it was not a primary factor in my goals or if it would dictate my success. Popularity is a nice thing to have and I have no personal disdain for popular people in general, but the people in such position to make a sort of caste system for the school. To teach that one who does not follow a certain order is somehow less worthy, and generally should be ignored. The skills of which such a person or group of people generally provide little in the way of progress and more as an extension of the current time to benefit.

  Absolute power corrupts Absolutely
The general trend I equated to, but does not signify the presence of popularity was one of change. An innocent person could be transformed into some tool or fall into a state of supreme narcissism. It changed people to fit the nature of it's intention. Not always did this happen but from my personal experience I'd seen it more than I wanted to. Many people became less social and more focused on the appearance of themselves, more quick to place judgement, and less willing to contribute to the overall atmosphere of classrooms and the school. Friends became separated over trivial issues such as interests, some of which were irrational for the age and others because of peer pressure.

Skill vs appearance
I chose early enough that I would follow only a path that led to reward. The path of education for education, because without it I was to be doomed in the long road that is life. Being known is one thing, but being able to perform life skills is another. The friends I have called my own, are there because popularity was, as it is to me a commodity for them. We shared many interests and our knowledge was sufficient to be able to utilize it for the better of the group or individuals as whole. Even if we may have been separated academically, we could still aid each other in our own areas as well as specialized knowledge that we each possessed, no matter how silly. History commonly looks up to those who have strided out to seek knowledge rather than attention, or rather seek knowledge before attention. I have chosen this path because it yields great potential. Almost every single technological advancement in history has been propagated by men who dedicated their life to seeking out answers or solutions.

This however, along with my raising brought forth many a big problem. Having always been a gentle, helpful person that I was raised to be, I was often the attention of a different type of popularity. Throughout my school years I lacked the ability to be able to reject a person. This led to many a situation where I was asked to complete tasks or aid those who did nothing. It lasted from as far as I can remember in Elementary to my last High school days. It was painful, to watch myself give in to such demands from average and popular beings. I was intelligent and very caring for my fellow classmates, but was never given back the only thing I asked for, which was recognition for aid. I did not want my name to go around to be popular, I simply wanted to be thanked without having to ask for it.

What now?
To this day, I continue my path forward onto that which more greatly rewards me in potential and reality. The great focus on education has left me with good standing, with both many educators and adults. I have been able to focus on many things and even get what I crave for in material terms with my own resources. Here on Google+ and Facebook(or what I use of it), I am gaining and retain many friends who change in some way, but who I know and love despite the changes. No relationship is perfect, but these friends and adults I converse with, are those who'd I'd fight my very self to keep in acquaintance. Loyalty is something I've given those who I hold dear for over 13 years, and it is not lost until one shows that they cannot contend with myself for a sole reason of appearing.