Monday, October 3, 2011

This I believe.......Parents and the Media

This was an old writing of mine when I was a sophomore in High School about 2 or 3 years ago. Though I might share it and any others I found of interest. Primarily this was for the crowd that feared letting their children watch TV, listen to certain music or play video games would turn their kids into psychopath murderers.

It was written in a bit of an upset tone, due to parental figures who simply refused to watch what their kids where doing, so instead went crying to the government who they would later criticize for getting too personal, about their kid's activities 

I believe that media and creators should be able to distribute their content in a suitable manner without interference from parents. Creators are just trying to make a living and they shouldn't have their creations, which help the economy, shot down by overly zealous parents, although they have reason. If parents don't want their kids exposed to media, then they should simply bar the outlets of said media within their premises. In my opinion, they have a right to voice their ideas as many ideas of the same caliber that are modernly accepted. Media does create influence, but that is the purpose of rating boards, to make sure that content inappropriate for a certain age group stays away from that group.

Creators are just trying to do their job, the same as parents sometimes have to punish their children for something bad that the child may have done. Creativity is a gift that should be cherished, not criticized left and right by every able person. Art is good for culture and there are certain arts that deserve attention, however most arts criticized are simply attacked in an exaggerated manner. The value of an artist's vision is a great one and should be valued...for whatever reason. I myself dislike many forms of modern art, but I respect them for what they've done.

Parents don't want the art? Don't take your kid to the store, block the website, activate the V-chip on your TV, the possibilities are endless if you don't want your children exposed to it. I'm sure that many artists did not intentionally create their products knowing that some more severe side effects could be observed. You cannot blame the creator for his faults, He/She is only human and makes mistakes. Never judge a book by it's cover, as artists are capable of much more than one product.

One artist does not mean one genre and, most parents find themselves supporting the same artist that created some other product that the parents disliked. Media is simply creativity expressed and the creator attempting to entertain the masses. He/She is only doing what it takes to survive in a world. The law itself represents the concern of parents on a massive scale, so parents should be happy with the large influence they have regardless and stop attempting to further reduce creativity.

This I believe strongly and suggest be upheld for the bettering of culture and the spread of understanding. Art is an expression, and to deny expression, period, would be to deny the artist's or any basic human being's freedom of speech.......


  1. I was a bit younger and more careless with my wording at the time. Hopefully this won't happen too many times in the near future.

  2. Jose ~ Very well stated especially in high School... this sentence says it all "If parents don't want their kids exposed to media, then they should simply bar the outlets of said media within their premises."

    That' it... parental control should be just that. Active participation on the part of the parent.
